Do you know what night it is? Of course – Wednesday night! But do you know what that means for The Thrifty Couple – sharing our weekly “preparing for baby” tip. As we just announced last Wednesday about baby #5 on the way, we thought it would be fun to share tips each Wednesday on how we are preparing!
Week #2 Tip: Pull out that dusty, well used copy of “What to Expect When you are Expecting.”
We love this book! It has been incredibly useful for the past 4 pregnancies and comes highly recommended! It is crazy how, even though this is my fifth time, I am still asking myself “what should/can I eat? Is this normal? What is going on in there right now?” So the very first thing I recommend is to grab a copy of this book!
We have picked up copies of this book when we see it cheap to give to others. So here are some ideas on how to pick up this book cheap:
- Try your local used book store, you can usually pick this up very inexpensively and I typically see numerous copies at the locations I have been to
- Watch for it at garage sales, this is where we have picked up extra copies for like .10 and .25!
- Check on and (I just checked it and you can get copies starting at .75) Just watch the shipping!
- Go to and check out the new and used prices! New starts at $2.99 and used at a whopping .01!
- Finally, ask around to some of your friends and those you go to church with, surely someone may have a copy for you to borrow!
We have loved this series of books (some better than others), in fact, over the pregnancies, we purchased more books from this series like: What to Expect the First Year, What to Expect The Toddler Years, What to Eat When you Are Expecting, and The Expectant Father
See many of the books in their series on for a quick explanation and list, but try to find them cheap from the steps above too!
Congratulations! I just found out that my sister is also pregnant, so I will definitely be checking back for your weekly tips so we can get a good handle on what to expect and prepare for during this whole process! I now have to start working diapers into my weekly drugstore deals. 😀 It should be interesting how I make out!