It’s time to announce those 14 healthier winners who each won a fantastic prize for healthier living! These winners were picked using
Here’s those winners now – CONGRATULATIONS!!
Set of the Best Essential Oils for Cleaning (more information HERE)
Terry (t4jesus@)
Allison (comd03@)
$25 Gift Card to Tropical Traditions Natural and Organic Online Grocery Store
Andrea (andrea.evans1@)
Cindy T (cindyta@)
Sarah W (Shawk752@)
Donni (luvmysugar1@)
$20 Trader Joe’s or Whole Foods Gift Card:
KarYn A (thechrisallenfamily@)
Ruth (rmrneidlinger@)
Natural Body Wrap that Naturally Tones and Tightens (more information on their Facebook page here)
Sandy W (sandyandevie@)
Gail (gailgaumond@)
Cheryl P (living4lild@)
June L (junerlisle@)
Jennifer R (j1man1r66@)
Debi S (debsalanitro@)
To those of you that won, Alex will be sending you an email in the next 24ish hours to give you instructions on how to claim your prize!
So many congratulations to all of you!! We had a lot of fun and we may have to have a similar giveaway in the future!
Thank you!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Jennifer Rogers
Thanks for the win!!!
OMG I WON!!! I live in Las Vegas and I never win anything, lol Thank you!!