Do you have financial goals – whether to get out of debt, save up for the next big purchase, or even work towards longer term goals such as college or even paying off your mortgage? We assume if you’re reading this you do.
This year we are offering something special. Something we’ve never done before! We are offering a challenge unlike any that has been done before. We are going to have a 52-week financial challenge. This is the first year-long challenge that we have ever offered.
It is a year-long challenge because you will not solve your financial situation overnight, not even in 30-days. You need to give yourself the time and the pace that is reasonable to be successful. We were finally able to pay off our $100K of consumer debt in 7 years (the majority in 3.5 years by applying these tips), only after taking slow baby steps. Trying to solve our problem fast – the crash diet approach (with parts 2 and parst 3)- was a disaster and failure.
Once we sat back and took steps like the ones we are going to share in this challenge each week, the debt kept falling off. We still follow this method to reach our financial goals today because it works and is effective no matter the goals.
How this works:
- Every 7 days from when you join the challenge via email, you will be emailed the first challenge and baby-step task. Each week’s task will be something that will apply to improving your financial situation in some way.
- You will be emailed task #1 no matter when you start and then each week, receive the next task. The tasks build on themselves and so you want to start at the beginning.
- We will send you this email reminder about the challenge directly to you via email every 7 days for 52 weeks.
- Just in case you are wondering…. this is free. There is no cost to you.
- No matter when you sign up, this will be on your schedule. We encourage you to sign up now and get started, but no matter the time of year, you will get your first challenge just 7 days after confirming your email.
What will the challenges be?
- We are going to be covering a little of everything: savings, debt, earning more, goal setting, bills, managing finances, creative ways to save…etc. all with the end goal to be in a much better financial position 52-weeks from now.
- They will be easy and attainable tasks that anyone can do no matter your financial situation.
- We will be providing several free tools and resources to those that have joined.
Who should participate?
- Those that are in any amount of debt
- Those that want to save for a goal
- Those that feel like they are at the end of their financial rope
- Those that are living paycheck to paycheck
- Those that want to be in a better financial situation
- Those that want to understand money and budgeting better
- Those that need help, encouragement and ideas to managing money
- Those that want to save for those “rainy days”
- Those that desire to live debt-free
So if any of those are you…then we encourage you to join us in this year’s finance challenge!
Take back and take control of your finances!
Or if you’ve heard enough and want to get started – either sign up here or use the link below:
>>> Sign Up for the Take Back Your Finances 52-week Challenge <<<
Finally, join us and everyone else participating in the challenge at our intimate Facebook Be Intentional group HERE for encouragement, discussions and more as you are journeying through the challenge. Just send a request to join and we will add you to the group.
Great !
barbara rivera
Sounds great! Bring it on.
Excited to join!
Bonita Doyle
cant wait to start
Cheryl Wilson
I’m ready to get started
Has this started already??
Hi Brenda – We have started posting the weekly tasks, but not worry, when you sign-up for the weekly email reminder with the link to the task, you will receive #1 and start at the beginning no matter when you join the challenge so that you are not behind, but right on time for your own schedule. Let us know if you have more questions!
I signed up awhile ago for the email reminders, but haven’t gotten anything yet. I did just check your site to see that yes it had started, and what last week’s challenge was.
Hi Brenda – what was the date/time of your confirmation email? Did it go to spam by chance? We will help you figure it out and get you on track. Just let us know when you received your sign-up confirmation email. 🙂 Thanks!!
Hi, I also have the same problem as Brenda. I signed up 12/31, received the confirmation email, confirmed my email account through the link and have not received anything.
I click on the “getting started” and it took me to a website about winning a gas card sweepstakes. Was that right? It made me nervous.
Hi Julia – it’s the orange link at the bottom that says “Sign Up for the Take Back Your Finances 52- week Challenge” Let me know if you see it 🙂
Vanessa Leal
This sounds like it would be a fantastic idea! ive signed up a few times, but have never received a confirmation email. I checked spam as well, but unfortunately, ive heard nothing.
It’s October 20th and I just found this now. Are there links where I can view the weekly challenges from the beginning of the year? Are you going to run this weekly challenge again in 2016? How do I start now, when the challenge is 3/4 over?
Hi Denise, there is no need to worry what time of year it is. The challenge is designed to start from the beginning with a weekly email for your task. So now is a GREAT time to start! Here’s the link to sign-up to start from the beginning:
Let me know if you have more questions and we look forward to sending you the weekly challenge each week. 🙂
Hi Cassie! I ‘d like to do the challenge one more time, but need to use the same adress… Is this possible?
Thank you!
Thank you.