Well, maybe not THAT sad. But know we will miss showing up in your inbox and sharing with you each week.
Please remember that receiving our emails requires the least commitment with the easiest access to find our latest information.
>>>>>>> Sign up again if you’ve changed your mind <<<<<<<
Also, please share with us why you unsubscribed. Â Maybe your reason can help make our site that much better with the hope of helping us server others better.
Thank you for allowing us into your lives for as long as you did.
Alex and Cassie (a.k.a. The Thrifty Couple)
RJ Bartek
It is the ads that are added to your website that is causing me to leave. I have begun to receive e-mails from those sites. I did not subscribe to them.
I unsubscribed for the same reason as RJ Bartek; TOO MANY ADS and POP UPS.
I e-mailed you and inquired about the change when the ads and pop-ups became extreme.
Afterward there was a change however, they are STILL overwhelmingly imposing on the ability to enjoy the information I originally desired to receive.
I signed up for a simple informational blog regarding family, budget, crafts, staying healthy, recipes, household ideas, ways to make life easier and less stressful.
This blog has now become an e-mail that induces a sigh when I see it in my inbox.
I wish it were back the way it began.
Making money by forcing readers to filter through ads and pop ups is not a value I understand.
There are so many other options.
Keep it simple.
Life has enough chaos.
Why make what was an enjoyable blog into a chore to read?
The almighty dollar?
HI Cheryl, Thank you for your explanation as it does help us to understand our reader’s experience. I also totally remember you because we immediately implemented the ad change on our emails after your email to us and have left it that way. You are the reason we are making half as much income on our email. 🙂
I think it is important to understand a few things. Would you go to work for free? You make it sound like trying to earn a little off of our writing is a crime and a problem. We as people have no problem paying for books or magazines. We as a people have no problem watching television to put up with the commercials in between. We as a people often have no problems paying to watch television via cable and still watch the ads.
This is a job for us and our family sacrifices A LOT to provide the free information we share. Our children have missed many things, just as if a parent did have to go to work. When we did cut the ads from our email per your suggestions, we needed to find a way to make it up somewhere else. In addition, what people do not realize is that our site costs A LOT of money to operate. When we started writing and blogging, we honestly had NO IDEA about how much money it costs to run a site! The monthly expenses we incur exceed that of the average mortgage payment (we literally have many more monthly blog/website bills than we do bills to live and run our home, granted we don’t have debt bills, but more bills than our utilities/living expenses – it’s ridiculous!). We certainly cannot spend full-time hours writing free information, then make a mortgage payment on top of that! We love to share our life experiences and genuinely help others, but we are not a ministry that receives donations to operate free information, nor do we receive government funds to provide ad-free, free service. We actually took off the one pop-up ad you are talking about on our site for a time and that month, our blog cost us more money than we had made. That cannot work. So we have it back up until we can find other ideas. We also had a gal that was working a few hours a week part of last year helping with administrative tasks to relieve some of our workload (as we both work more than full-time on it). She wasn’t doing any writing, but anything that you see on our site – 2 times more work has taken place on the backend to get that information up. Anyway, January 1st, we realized that we had to cut expenses because it was costing us so much money. So she lost her WAH job because we couldn’t afford to pay her anymore.
There are hundreds of thousands of websites out there and any that are making money do 4 things: they are authors with outside sales from their books and a blog becomes a form of self-advertisement. We don’t have books for sale (yet – long term goal :)). 2. a paid subscription or a paid service from what that website owner offers, but we decided that we didn’t want to charge our readers and that most would probably rather deal with ads than pay for the information. 3. Coupon/deal and affiliate sites. This was the type of site we were in the past. We were offering and selling freebies and deals from other sites and getting a cut of the sales in commissions or a fee paid to us for each “sign-up”- most of these sites put up 5, 10, 20 posts per day and make a lot of money. But a couple of years ago, we didn’t like this model as we were not the type of people that wanted to have our readers spend money (even on deals) but come to find financial peace and freedom instead. We wrote an article about our change of focus on our site explaining this (https://thethriftycouple.com/2012/11/28/our-transitioning-focus-and-direction-please-read/). 4. finally what most every site does – use ads and offer their information for free and allow advertisers to be the ones paying the writers instead of the readers in the various forms above. That’s what we are doing.
When information is free, it shouldn’t be a big deal to click the “x” on the one pop-up ad. It can’t be that big of a chore after the time, sacrifice and expense that the other side of the screen is going through. We know that it is probably annoying, especially when you don’t know what is going on behind the scenes and the sacrifices made to get the information out there. We have it there while we talk with the ad providers about other less-invasive ads, we wrote to them last week and haven’t heard back from them. Like I said, we had taken that one down, but couldn’t meet our blog expenses that month. So it’s back up until we figure that out. But know that we are working on it. We haven’t added more ads to the email and haven’t touched that at all, even though the income dropped by half after.
You had mentioned that there are many other options – can you share with us what those are? Perhaps we can consider them instead, but ads are the normal route for any site where the writers are more than just sharing their thoughts as a hobby. Even the other 3 forms of earning money as a blog writer, almost all still have ads on top of it. Please share those other options with us. 🙂
We will miss having you as a reader but hope that after seeing our response you might have a little insight as to what happens behind the scene and offer us a bit more grace.
I am picking you up on google plus. too many e-mails.
I received a virus signing up for your 30 day challenge article page.
I am so sorry to have to unsubscribe..but #1…I can barely ready the font at all..and #2 EVERY TIME I CLICK ON YOU? I GET A VIRUS !!!!!!!!!!!! No MOre !!!!
Wow, in this day and age, you are going to try to guilt someone. You lost another person. Your links are filled with pop ups and viruses. Be warned.
Bunny Kisses
I Love you guys! I don’t have time to separate you from the ads and quite honestly, I have a neurological condition that doesn’t allow me that much time before falling asleep so I never know what you guys have to say anymore. I understand you need financial support to do what you do but for me it has turned to clutter.
Kandice Davilo
Too many emails
Too many emails and way too long to read all the time.
Although I enjoyed the contents, I received way too many emails.
God Bless
c l reid
cutting down on mail updates no longer used
Too many emails.. Trimming my list
Thank you for the many interesting contributions from your site. I have enjoyed them . Wishing you & your family every blessing.
I am cutting down generally on emails as I get very many.
Thank you very much for the many interesting & informative ideas from your site.
I am cutting down on lots of emails .Also I live in Ireland (am Irish!) so some of your posts are not relevant to this side of the Atlantic!.
I wish you well & may you & your family prosper. Happy Thanksgiving, & Happy Christmas. God bless.
Julie Widener
I can no longer open any links in the emails, to read the actual subject matter. Wish I could, however, I have you on Facebook, and love your page!
I am unsubscribing from a number of newsletter type e-mails in order to tame my inbox. Rather I am opting now for pinning the homepages of a number of blogs I enjoy so that I can visit when I have the time. Also, like someone mentioned here, I am not American, and therefore some of your content is not relevant for me. Thank you for the lots of interesting content that I received and was able to use well.
Trimming mail. Thanks for all the interesting articles. Content too long and don’t have time to read
Sherri Williamson
I am losing internet access. Hopefully some time in the future I will have it back, and I will most definitely be re-subscribing. I have learned some awesome new things from your site and newsletter.
Too many emails, don’t have time to read.
My emails have become overwhelming and I am cutting back on subscriptions. I enjoy your site and will visit on my own – just don’t want more emails. Thank you.
Too many ads …. sorry
I am moving it to G+.
too many emails
I follow you on facebool
Mindy Means
My husband is having open heart surgery next week and I just need to make my life as simple as possible. So I’m unsubscribing from most email and hope to rejoin you one of these days.
So sorry to hear about your husband and we pray all goes well with his surgery. We will miss you, but take the time you need and we hope you have others that are able to help out too! Many blessings to you! Alex and Cassie
Dru Tos
My computer is slow and when I clicked to get a million $ chicken recipe I expected it to come up – not have to go to pintrest or whatever to get the recipe up. I am sorry but I don’t know how to do that and do not intend to have to join any more sites which I would be all day waiting for them to show up. Just have to pass on that recipe
Some content not relevant to Canadians and too many ads and what feels like a marketing push for certain products in your write-ups (which I find a little disconcerting in a blog on being thrifty). Just MHO.
Don’t like getting horoscopes in my face when I open your page.
Joanne Lindsay
I just don’t have the time to read them anymore. Also, I’m Australian, so things are different here. All the best with the future & thank you for the inspiration you’ve given me.
Hi you have a great idea to spread out there but being in South Africa doesn’t really assist with the savings
Kathy Werner
I unsubscribed because my husband died 7 weeks ago unexpectedly, the girls are gown adults living on their own now so it’s just me.
It is the far too many ads and pop ups that are added to your website that has caused me to leave. I have been receiving e-mails from those sites even though I have not subscribed to them.
I am unsubscribing because when I open your email the page is blank. I’ve emailed you a couple of times regarding this and haven’t heard back from you. So, at this point, it’s just as easy to unsubscribe as I cannot read what you’re sending anyway.
Amy Canaday
Simplifying my inbox. Just need to have less to sift through. Thank you!
Thank you for joining us while you did! We loved having you and come back anytime! – Cassie
Understand about the ads. Despise slideshows. Nothing is more irritating.
Alex & Cassie,
Keep doing the good job. Ads = revenue for you. Keep it up.
I am not leaving but taking a break. I am restarting 52 week challenge. For me, cleanest way to do it was unsubscribe from everything & then restart.
Best wishes.
Eileen Wilson
I find no fault with your website or newsletter. It’s always been full of good information. However I am an aging senior citizen, and I receive too many emails and don’t like spending a lot of time on the computer trying to catch up. I wish you well in the future. Keep up the good work.
Kenneth H
I unsubscribe because of the adds that keep popping up. Sorry to go.
For me it just feels like your message is always trying to get me to buy something new. I just am not interested in purchasing more books, etc. Thks
Linda P
I just retired from. Federal job, but already was out of debt, All my children are grown and on their own and I’ve shopped frugally for years so I really don’t get any good tips or tricks from any Save/Frugal bloggers. My mission now is to eliminate emails, blogs, etc from my retired life so I won’t be tempted to be on my phone or computer all day long.
Sal Marciano
A few years back….this blog was helpful and provided many saving tips. Now (since 2019) it’s just a way for the owners of the site to make money by pushing ads and unwanted content. Every post is way to ask for more money. Cassie and ur husband just got too big for their purpose
I’m not even sure you have ” content” on your page or website. TOO MANY ADS. There are around 30 ads per email.