We hit Rite Aid of course to score the incredible deals on diapers. As much as we would have loved to have gotten the Pure and Naturals, we knew that waiting until mid-week to go there it was next to impossible as we were confident they would be gone.
In fact, we even doubted that we would get any diapers at all. But there were some still left, and as suspected, no Pure and Naturals! There were several things we wanted, but many things were gone. But all in all it was more than worth the trip!
Here’s a picture of what we bought:
Here’s what we bought:
- 2 Huggies Little Movers and one Pull-ups – we did the transaction just as we laid out except that we mixed diapers and Pull-ups (for our son who is nearly complete with potty training! YAY, YAY, YAY!) but got one more pack in case for going out (still don’t quite trust that!). The actual amount by mixing the diapers and Pull-ups would have been the same as all diapers as we had $2.00 off Pull-ups and $4.00/2 diapers – so the same discount. Here’s the better news. When we went to check out, the checker asked if we had the Pure and Natural coupons. I said “yes, but they are all out.” He responded with, “well they were gone pretty much instantly, but we are allowing everyone to buy whatever pack the wanted and we will take the $3 off coupon on any diaper package.” I restrained my excitement to not scare him nor the people in line and stayed totally cool – replaced the $4.00/2 coupon with 2 $3.00 off coupons. If I had known this before checking out, then I would have gotten all diapers and used 3 $3.00 off coupons. But there was a line behind me and I was just thankful that he offered on the two Little Movers packs. PLUS…. just as many have been reporting, 3 $2.00 +UP rewards printed!!! We love our Rite Aid!! So……. the final result of the diapers:
- 3 Packs at 8.99 = $26.97
- Then used two $3.00 off (yipee!!) and one $2.00 – $8.00 = $18.97
- Then used a $1.00 off Rite Aid September Video Values coupon and a $2.00 off R.A. August Video Values coupon (left over) – $3.00 = $15.97
- Then receive $6.00 in +UP rewards = $9.97
- Then will receive a $10 R.A. gift card from Kimberly Clark rebate = final is .03 overage
- 2 Kashi Cereals sale for $2.50 each = $5.00. Then used $1.00/2 peelie. Then received a $1.00 +up reward = final is $3.00 for two or $1.50 each
- 1 Reach floss $1.99. Then used $1.00/1 R.A. Video Values coupon and one $1.00/1 printable coupon = final is .01 overage
- 1 Crest toothpaste for $2.99. Then used .75/1 8/29 Procter and Gamble insert = $2.24. Then received a $2.00 +UP reward = final is .24
- 1 Hungry Jack pancake mix sale for $1.99. Then received a $1.00 +UP reward = final is .99
- 1 Starbucks coffee on clearance for $2.37. Then used $1.00/1 9/12 Smart Source Insert = final is $1.37 AND we can turn the bag in for a FREE small coffee in-store!!
We also used a $5.00/$25 Rite Aid coupon for the total purchase.
Rite Aid Summary: Out out of pocket cost (oop) was $20.33 after coupons and in-store sales. We then received $10 in +UP Rewards and will be receiving a $10 gift card = final is .33!!
Sad story: I told you how much I love the John Frieda. I made Thrifty Al try it this week as he didn’t understand why it was so important to me to stock up on THIS shampoo and conditioner when we have so many different types already and stocking up on hair care happens all of the time. So he agreed to try and he did also agree that it was like a spa feeling and smell and really quite nice….. (shhh… don’t tell him that I told you he enjoyed or thought that about shampoo! He wouldn’t like that ;)) Anyway, I had hopes that we would be able to stock up this week between Walgreens at .33 and Rite Aid at .50. But when we cleaned out and organized our coupons, all of our 8/22 Smart Source Inserts were missing!!! That is where those $3.00 coupons for John Frieda (amongst other great coupons) were located. We have no idea where they went, other than the fact that we threw out a bunch of old inserts and took them to be recycled. We are wondering if the 8/22 accidentally went in the recycle box VERY SAD WHEN YOU LOSE COUPONS! We just recycled cash!
[…] – I have mentioned a few times how much I love John Frieda’s Root Awakening products. I was super happy to see a FREE full-size product available to […]