Time to share our plan for this week 3/25 – 3/30/13. It is a slower week until Friday when our Easter celebrations begin with extended family and a wedding of a good friend of ours on Saturday along with 2 additional events on Saturday. But truthfully, there isn’t a whole lot that we need to do for either Easter (thanks to Grandma!) or the wedding, just mostly show up 🙂 But it is a chore to be many places in one weekend with 5 little kids!
As always, before I share our weekly plan and our menu, you can read about each of these on these links as we encourage you to do the same to save time, money and sanity:
Here’s my plan this week,
T – stands for Thrifty – what are my thrifty goals for the week?
- *Pick up Chicken at 2:00 on Monday*
- Sign-up for Ibotta app
- Cook and freeze chicken
- Refill bulk spices
- Wash-out 6 gallon buckets and refill with bulk foods
- Pick up 40 lbs. of bulk dried corn on Wed. and extra 6-gallon bucket
H – stands for Home – what are some things I/we need to do around and for our home?
- Order vegetable culture to start fermented veggies
- Start garage sale corner in the house and begin collecting things for neighborhood garage sale in a few weeks
- Vacuum out van
- Garage clean-out
R – stands for Relationships – a place where I write down who I need to call, send a note to or remember a birthday/event.
- Help/remind daughter to write letter to friend
- Put together Easter baskets for Friday
- Write Jessica
- Wrap wedding gift for Sam
- Finish Alex’s birthday present
- Meet Alex for lunch on Wed.
I – stands for Involvement – this is the part of my planner that allows me and my family to be involved in our community and church in small ways each week.
- Drop off collected donations
F – stands for Finances – What financial tasks do we need to complete this week: (also as we continue to find our 2% cuts each month!)
- Compare prices for fencing
- Switch internet providers/Schedule for Install this week
T – stands for To-Do’s– misc. things I need to do this week!
- Make Alex’s annual dr. checkup
- Make my dental appointment
- Develop pictures
Y – stands for You – what are some things that I can do for myself to de-stress and relax for all of the hard work!
- Send in scrapbooking form
- Add music to Ipod for fresh music for cleaning/workouts with free iTunes gift card I won :)!!
These are additional things listed on my “Other Tasks” on the right side of the page:
- Clean out memorabilia boxes
- Clean out art supplies
- Complete The Thrifty Couple Spring Cleaning Challenges
- Wash out water fountain and get to Sam by Friday for Saturday wedding
Plus I have my developing shopping list and other tasks list on the right for those extras.
Here’s our planned dinner menu for the week! The Hawaiian Haystacks are one of the top 10 meals in our house as everyone LOVES them!
*Since we are getting lots of chicken this week, fresh chicken in on the menu a lot 🙂
Monday – Chicken Marsala with brown rice and steamed veggies
Tuesday – Crockpot Chicken casserole with salad
Wednesday -Salad Bar
Thursday -Feta and Spinach Quiche with fresh fruit
Friday – Holiday dinner #1 at Mom and Dad’s
Saturday – Dinner at Wedding
Sunday – Rotisserie roast with potatoes, carrots, onions and celery and more holiday type foods (I don’t eat ham or lamb because I don’t like it, so neither is on our Easter menu ;))
And… no matter whether you make a menu or not, don’t forget about “dinner by 10.”
If you would like to print your own THRIFTY weekly planner, you can do so below. Alex designed it to where it requires very little ink and in fact you can print it in fast draft/grayscale to use even less ink. But either one uses miniscule amount of ink! I would recommend printing or copy several as I often write plans a couple of weeks ahead too!
Please note, if you are reading this email in our rss feed or our email newsletter, you may have to click to the post HERE to print this download.
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<== Download your printable Weekly Thrifty Planner HERE |
Please share in the comments below what your menu and plan is for the week!
Surina Brewer
You 2 have helped me so much…since I’ve been following you my family has gotten rid of over $10,000 in STUFF…we donated clothes, toys, household items things found all over the house and just plain stuff. we have a huge donate bucket by our front door and it has been over flowing for the past 2 months…every week too 2 weeks we take it to the charity of the month. I do a quick inventory for tax purposes then off it goes 🙂 we are trying to live more simply. Your right though baby steps.
Thank you again!!
Surina, I cannot tell you how happy and excited I was when I read your comment a few weeks ago. Alex was very excited to hear it too! It is a blessing to us to hear how things are going for out there and it is the inspiration for us to keep spending time sharing our ideas, failures, successes and lives with you! We hope that things continue to go well and keep us updated!! Thank you for sharing that…it made our day!!