We are nearing the end of 2010, have just finished an awesome Christmas season, and are ready for another fabulous year to come. So what better time to go on vacation (we told the children we would celebrate becoming debt free earlier this year by saving up and going on a family vacation), rest up so we are ready to hit the year 2011 running, and throw in an awesome giveaway to finish off our most amazing month of giveaways yet!
To us it only made sense for us to do this giveaway to continue on the tradition of our children. What do I mean? The last two times that Cas and I left town (for Savvy Blogging Summit and the SaveUp 2010 event for all DealPro’s) our children gave away two $50 Amazon gift cards. So since they are with us we thought it would only be prudent for us to give away the $100 Amazon gift card – and they think its pretty cool, too!
Now don’t think that just because we are out of town (we’ll try to share some of our tips we used on saving money for this trip and some sneak peeks at what we are up to on vacation) that the posts will stop. No way! We will be posting away while we’re gone and some of our friends have even offered some great articles to share as well! We don’t want you to miss out so here’s how this week’s game is going to be played.
How To Enter Today’s Giveaway, there are four (or more??) possible ways to enter:
- Leave us a comment sharing with us what you would love to see more of in 2011. We have some surprises coming and would love to hear from you on what you want to see more of in the year to come!
For additional entries:
- Like The Thrifty Couple on Facebook and then leave a comment to tell us you did or that you already are.
- Sign-up for our FREE Email Newsletter then have our deals delivered to your inbox daily so never miss a deal or another giveaway! You must confirm your subscription before commenting (a confirmation email will be sent to you that you will need to click through to confirm that you would like to receive emails from us!)! If you are already a confirmed subscriber, just leave a comment for your entry.
- Come back every day thereafter and leave one comment saying hi or sharing anything at all that you would like. This way you won’t miss out on all of our fun things we want to share with you this week!
This Giveaway will end on Monday, January 3, 2011 at Midnight MST and is open to all U.S. residents 18 years or older.
A couple of addition points:
1. Leave a separate comment for each of the above things you do, each comment and activity you complete is an entry.
2. Be sure to leave your comments for entries here on this post to be counted as an entry.
We hope you love ending the year on this fun note! We can’t wait to see what the new year brings – and hope that you can’t either!
I’m an e-mail subscriber!
Sandra S.
I subscribed to you daily newsletter
I am already a “liker” on FB, lol! 🙂
I would love to see local (Utah) activities and events that are cheap/free. I am also looking forward to hearing the rest of your story and how you actually became debt free (and the ups and downs along the way). Thanks for all your hard work! We all benefit from it so you really are helping the world!
Tracy Keel
I like you on Facebook!
I’m a liker on FB!
I like seeing when popular internet shoppin sites are offerin free shipping.
Tracy Keel
I would love to win this gift card to purchase something for myself for the coming year.
Wow! 258 comments already…. I think what I would like to see more of in the coming year are not just all the deals…but recommendations on what may and may not be a good deal (from your own personal experiences). Looking forward to hearing about your thrifty vacation as my mom bought us Disney passes for Christmas!
I am a Facebook “liker”! 🙂
I am a confirmed email subscriber! Love the deal recaps.
I am already subscribed to The Thrifty Couple on FB
Tracy Keel
I subscribe to your emails!
I liked you on FB!!!
I subscribed to the newsletter!!!! YAHOO!
I would like to see updates on the best free shipping online websites or ways to save on shipping. Many times there are great deals but the shipping kills the deals.
Amber V.
“Like” The Thrifty Couple on Facebook
Amber V.
subscribe to your newsletter!
Amber V.
I would love to use this gift card towards a kindle!
I love reading about all the diaper deals! I would love to see more!
Emily L. Freelove
I would love to see more blog link ups this coming year!
I “like” you
I subscribed to the newsletter!
Linda Medrano
I love giveaways so I’d like to see more of those. Anything that deals with freebies and great deals is awesome! 🙂
Love your posts! 🙂
Linda Medrano
I’m already a Fan on Facebook! 🙂
Kristin M
I like you on facebook.
Linda Medrano
I’m subscribed to your Daily Newsletter.
And for my previous posts i posted the wrong email. :-/
last name was incorrect
Kristin M
I would like to see more about how to save on produce through the year.
Kristin M
I already receive the email newsletter.
I’m a fan on facebook
Becky B
I love how you do the diaper deal of the week!
I’d like to see more “hot online deals” in 2011
I’m an email subsciber
Becky B
Signed up for your newsletter!
I would like to see some great deals on Local (Utah) things, such as dining deals, etc.
FB fan
cyrena Grimm
I subscribed to email!
cyrena Grimm
Diaper deals are the BEST!!!!
I would like to hear more about how you became dept free!!!
Lora R.
Hi, I am here for my daily entry!!
Tana Criswell
Became a fan on facebook! Recently started using your site and have already got great deals! Thanks
I already Like The Thrifty Couple on Facebook!!
I am an email subscriber
I’m subscribed to your newsletter!
Amazon and Thrifty couple is the best!
i subscribe
would like to see more freebies, really good freebies, and more doggy things
liked on fcbk
I just liked you on FB. 🙂