Welcome to Thrifty Thursday Link Party! Thanks for checking us out if this is your first visit. If not, WELCOME back! The theme of the week features EASY ways to keep those pesky New Year’s Resolutions.
We appreciate each and every one of you. Every week we gather here to share ideas and tips to make our lives easier and more intentional. Many bloggers meet every week right here to share amazing ideas, tips, and crafts and recipes.
You will want to check this linky party each week because the ideas that you will gather may be just the ideas you need that week!
It looks like the theme from last week is honestly moving forward and fulfilling your New Year’s Resolutions. How many of us declare on December 31 that we will be more organized, or we will spend smarter, or we will eat healthier starting January 1? How many? Raise you hand! Own it! These blogs offer some GREAT ideas on getting started, staying the course, and finishing strong! These are so unique and interesting. Check out these amazing blog posts, I hope you enjoy them as much as I did!
And don’t worry if you aren’t a fellow blogger with something to link up, there is SO MUCH great information to be found in what is linked up below so be sure to scroll down and check it all out.
The favorite money and household motivators ways of last week:
- Vickie’s Kitchen and Garden
- 20 Ways To Stop Blowing Your Grocery Budget
- Genius Tips on Eating Healthy on a Budget
- 8 Steps to An Organized Kitchen
- 7 No Fail Ways to Organize Your Closet
Now, let’s get on with the LINK UP party!
By linking up, you give us permission to use your pictures, words, and post. We will provide a link-back to your post in exchange for one photo used in post and potentially in a collage for FB, Pinterest, etc.
Link up below and then be sure to grab a button to spread the news about this great, new link party. We definitely want to see this party grow and grow!
A few reminders about how the party works:
1) Link up your recipes, crafts, DIY projects, thrifty tips, etc using the tool below. Please DO NOT link up Etsy shops, deals, coupons, giveaways or anything else you are selling. This party is for creative/informative posts only.
2) Visit at least 3 other links in the listing to see what other people are working on.
3) We’d love it if you would include a link back in your linked post to our website in your post so others will know to come here and join the party too!
4) Please leave a comment on the post after linking.
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Make sure to sign up to receive notification when each week’s linky is live so that you don’t miss out!
Thanks for hosting! I hope this party continues to grow
Ms Curious
Thanks for hosting and for including my post on eating healthy on a budget
Thank you for hosting. I love sharing with your readers and always find inspiration here. Have a blessed week! #OverTheMoon #ThursdayFavoriteThings
Happy New Year.Thank you for hosting.I brought our favorite noodle dish. Have a lovely week ahead.
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Wśród tegorocznych propozycji znajdują się zarówno filmy fabularne jak i dokumentalne. W tym roku mamy ewidentną przewagę tych pierwszych. Myślę, że te propozycje zainteresują naszych widzów, którzy czekają na dostęp do filmów. Można będzie zobaczyć m.in. “Nocą” lub “Ostatni świadkowie”. Z propozycji dokumentalnych chciałabym polecić “Wewnętrzne wojny”. To produkcja włosko-ukraińska z ubiegłego roku. Przedstawia historię setek kobie, które postanowiły wstąpić do wojska w 2014 roku. By śledzić ich codzienne życie, reżyserka zrealizowała go w strefie wojennej. To pięknie zrealizowany film, bardzo poruszający, który z pewnością warto zobaczyć – zachęcała w rozmowie.
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