If you haven’t seen this next idea, once you do, you are going to get a kick out of it! But just wait until you show the kids! I am going how to make tie dye shirts with water guns!
It’s the NEXT BIG THING in water, paint, messes and fun!
One of the nightmares of my mother as she has expressed in the past is paint.
For anything. For crafts, for fun, for random messes (I mean…other crafts). Apparently she is not the only one, she tries to convince me.
Apparently, she “used to be fine with paint and even liked it,” she tries to convince me. Tall tales I would be foolish to believe.
And when she one day handed me a water gun filled with paint and allowed the squirting of paint all over ourselves, I began to think she had gone insane. Or maybe she had been switched and her true self was somewhere else watching us and freaking out.
But alas, I could find no valid reason. What’s more? She took plenty of pictures. Even more confusing! Why remember such a anxiety-promoting event? Apparently it was washable. The phrase that covers a multitude of sins.
Anyhow, I am going to show you how to celebrate anything with tie dye shirts with water guns.
Parents: It is an amazing way to celebrate a multitude of holidays. Children and teens not quite ready to give up paint?Especially after it has been withheld for so long? Well, the pictures are such a small price to pay for such an amazing event.
Using the tie dye shirts with water guns was a lot of fun, and as suspected, there were some people who were much more intense and violent than the others (but it is those people who make the fight truly fun, right?).
Excitement ran high and so did some shots, as at one point I looked like I was profusely bleeding from my ear, as one of previously mentioned people ran by and said he had poor aim (think about being blown in the ear by surprise, just worse).
This is me and my sibling. She’s trying to “make amends” after squirting me in the ear!
I mostly played with the toddlers, who were also very poor shots but couldn’t shoot up more than 3/4 of your height, and also shouldn’t really be playing with the Two-Who-Shall-Not-Be-Named-With-Insane-Techniques. I categorize the 7 as following: The Two-Who-Shall-Not-Be-Named-With-Insane-Techniques, the one follower of those two who strives to be like them, the drama queen, the two toddler boys who has no idea what is going on but has just been handed a water gun, and myself.
Enough drama from our painted water gun fight, I suppose at this point you would just like me to tell how how to pull off this “cool mom” event on your own, right?
So you need the instructions to be able to do this. We did it on the 4th of July, so ours were red, white, and blue. But like I mentioned above, you can do this for any reason, any occasion, and any season (well, barring the freezing cold).
How to Make Tie Dye Shirts with Water Guns
Here is what you need to make tie dye shirts with water guns:
- Water Guns of any kind – whether bazooka force or tiny squirters. It depends on what you are willing to unleash!
- White Shirts – thankfully these are the cheapest ones too!
- We got paint specifically to put in water guns. It’s called Goblies Water Gun Paint. They actually even have a party kit!
That’s it! Note that you can also do this on blank canvases too – but it’s far more fun to attack each other.
The process itself is really self explanatory, just fill up the water guns filled with paint and then shoot all over! We just used syringes to fill them. It was the “safe” zone during that time!
Between refills – the paint fight continues!
As you are on the attack, awesome, random designs are made on your custom shirt! Just let them air dry when done.
The next question may be what it does to the environment around you. These are washable. So they did wash off of our skin pretty well.
We used the tie dye water gun pain in my grandparents’ yard, so there were some white fences that were attacked in an onslaught of inaccurate shooters.
We only needed to rinse them off a little bit with the hose and they were good, so it is not required to play it in an open field.
You can play it with as many crazy rules you want, or just shoot everyone as we did.
You could carefully paint with them, or you could just shoot anywhere.
The world is in your hands when a water gun filled with paint also is!
Tie dye shirts with water guns is really great, as I hope you will find out yourself, whether as mom or as the kid!
Brad irwin
So the shirts saved the color as a ?momento
Sam Porter
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