Have you ever seen those tiny red bugs around your house? They are called Clover Mites and I want to share How To Get Rid of Clover Mites.
I had a horrifying experience while eating dinner last night. I discovered we had a clover mite infestation by our backyard sliding door.
We were casually eating dinner, when two of our kids said they found a ton of this little red bugs by the back door and they were “squishing” them with their fingers. Their fingers would stain and they eventually decided there were too many to keep playing the game and their fingers were getting quite stained in the process.
First off, we don’t condone these types of conversations at dinner time because everyone loses their appetite. But this wasn’t just some disgusting story, it was that I discovered it had happened while I was making dinner, moments before sitting down.
We immediately Googled what these little red bugs were – they are clover mites. They are harmless, they are popular in the spring and fall, they are an annoyance and they take over an area with a very large infestation.
Now mind you, they are tiny, they don’t bite, they can’t hurt a thing. They only eat grass and weeds. So that is all fine and dandy, but when they make their way into my home, then it is not fine and dandy. They are also nearly microscopic. They look like pin heads…actually even smaller than most pinheads. I mean…teeny, tiny. But when a whole group of them have come in or one laid an egg and they hatched, whatever, it looks like a bunch of dark tiny spots all over the window.
They are not aphids, but they remind me of red, even smaller, aphids. Aphids infest your garden plants and we shared how to naturally get rid of aphids a few years ago.
What Google said on “How To Get Rid of Clover Mites”
The next step after Google, was to get rid of them and get rid of these hundreds of little bugs FAST. We read that you can vacuum them up. That is also not entirely what I wanted. I didn’t want to vacuum them up, only to have them find a way back out, or even lay eggs inside of the vacuum.
Not Good Enough For Me
So we came up with a different solution that worked well to clean them up and hopefully continue to keep them away.
Part of my solution was adapted from the spider deterrent spray that we have made for years.
How To Get Rid of Clover Mites Step-by-Step
#1 – Grab the hairspray…QUICK!
We sprayed them with hairspray. I didn’t want them to be able to crawl out of the vacuum. It doesn’t matter what type of hairspray, just hairspray. They were far too small and fast to sweep up, and they stain if you try to squish and wipe them up. In addition, since they found a crevice in the back door to start an infestation, they had also settled on the drapes that cover the back door. So basically it was an attempt to “freeze” them to keep them from moving anywhere.
We sprayed them and they stopped moving. We sprayed the glass door, the curtain and the door runner thing. I know that hairspray can be sticky, but it is easily cleaned and wiped from the window, floor and other surfaces. The drapes can be washed too!
#2 – Now Grab the vacuum and vacuum hose
We then vacuum them up! We connected the hose to the vacuum and sucked up every frozen bug we could possibly find. We got them off the door, the floor, the curtains and the door runner.
We were able to get every tiny spot to disappear. It was a vigilant effort!
#3 – Grab some cotton balls and some peppermint essential oil
The next step was keeping them away in the future. If you have the tiniest of crevice or crack anywhere, they can find a way in.
However, I learned many years ago that spiders and insects HATE the smell of peppermint essential oil. That’s why I created my own Homemade Natural Spider Repellent. So, we covered 4 jumbo cotton balls in peppermint essential oil and placed them at different sections of the base of the sliding door. Hopefully this will do the trick to keep them away. It might also help any other tiny creature stay away.
Check out the oils I now use HERE.
That’s it!
I checked today and have been watching, there are no signs of additional Red Clover Mites. I read that is is near impossible to keep them away, but I am hopeful at least that the oil will help. The cotton balls may have to be re-blotted with essential oil every few days, but I also have a great smelling house!
I know this may seem like a silly post, but at the same time, when you are desperately looking for a solution that is frugal, and that also won’t be using a lot of terrible chemicals, then I hope you find this post helpful. And since we just experienced the infestation, there is a decent chance that you will have to deal with it soon too.
Have you ever seen these Clover Mite bugs before?
Give this method a try to have a mess-free, more natural (yes, hairspray isn’t the best, but better than other chemical alternatives) and get rid of them…hopefully for good!
Susan Achterberg
Diatematious earth around the outside of the house could help. It would not help with the initial infestation but would keep the little buggers out.
Jenn D
Diatomaceous earth doesn’t work despite all the claims. Ive used it and seen all sorts of bugs continue to walk through it.
They will walk through it. That’s what you want. The tiny crystals cut the exoskeleton of the insect and, they slowly dehydrate and die. It doesn’t happen on the spot.
Just saw this post this morning and walked outside to find that, yes indeed, I have an infestation starting up near my backdoor!! Thank you so much for saving me the panic attack!!
Thank you for your post. I’m going to try the peppermint oil.
I wouldn’t do that unless you are ok with smelling peppermint day in and day out.
I have them in my vehicle…..LOTS of them. Do you think the peppermint oil will help get rid of them there? And is it the peppermint oil you use to make hard candy…LorAnn oils?
Hi Sherry – I am assuming a similar method would work in the car. On the Peppermint oil, it is actually peppermint essential oil not candy or cooking oil. Does that make sense?
Pat belanger
Hi we have them to on our outside granite for our outdoor kitchen -also on the grills and climbing up the window trim -i only noticed them because i was wateting my window box with my reading glasses on -so tiny but the hairspray is gonna get a shot-thanks for sharing the info
Tina Cucci
Hi, can you tell me how I can cover a large slate patio with peppermint oil. Could I spray it all over the patio because I don’t know if a few cotton balls will help. Thanks, Tina
Spraying might work! I haven’t tried it on a large area – we have had problems around windows and doorways, so that’s all I have tried. But regardless, spraying wouldn’t hurt.
Sarah McGinnis
Planting mint in pots also repels these type of insects. I recommend containing it because it will take over wherever you plant it.
Darren Hagewood
I’m sorry but these bastards that are infesting my back years area and the surface of my vehicles are tiny little red mites just like the one referred in this post and they bite like a sob leave welts even….and I mean nasty
Yes they do bit no matter what anyone says. If you get bit clear finger nail polish just put it on the spot and it will smother them and they will pass away! It work I know personally!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!Baxley
So I just picked up a shirt from my laundry basket and a teeny tiny red bug fell off and started running sooo fast to think fast I spit on a tissue and the used it to stick it up. I thenput it in a plastic bag. I’m just confused as to identifying it it’s a bright red orangish color and has Any antenna and six long legs – IMFREAKED it is sooo tiny and looks some what different than the photo shared above. Can anyone help
I’m sorry to say you may have a bedbug. Look those up and see if it’s similar
Kathryn A sander
Thank you, thank you!
Thanks so much for solving this horrid dilemma for me. I thought I was going crazy seeing all these moving, teeny-tiny red dots all over my daddy’s memorial bench out back! I made your ‘ Homemade Natural Spider Repellent’ and those rotten little suckers are gone and I haven’t seen a one since I sprayed the bench, yard, doors, windows, etc. inside and out.
Heck, I’d spray the roof if I could reach it!! I. HATE. BUGS! Blech!
How do U make the spray?
Holy Guacamole ! Your post is great. I was about to make my morning coffee when I spied these little buggers. I knew that I hadn’t spilled coffee grinds and besides these were smaller and moving, @*^*&@%$ Armed with your advice and a fresh cup of Joe I too hope to win this battle.
Do we have to dilute the oil in water and then spray? The oil comes in a little bottle and is quite expensive.
Thanks for the post!
God Bless.
You definitely want to dilute it. A few drops (about 6) in a 4oz spray bottle goes a long way. Some recommend adding a few drops of dishwashing liquid as well. I add more or less depending on how strong I want my mix.
Had them everywhere for Years. Finaly realized essential Orange Oil, works on me topically and Orange soap
Dr. Bronners Citronelle soap in the Clothes Washer work, I had to cut down all trees and hedges. They
come in with the birds
This is my second year seeing these critters. Not a big deal because I don’t have them inside. However they are hiding out on my screened deck and that’s annoying because I use my decktas a workspace when I work from home. Having these things crawling on my laptop is just not good. I’d been using citronella candles for skeeters but now I’m going to try a peppermint oil spray to see it gets rid of these little varmints.
Thanks for the post. I don’t have a totally herbicide/pesticide free backyard but it’s very close. Find a solution that is gentle and reasonably effective was a wonderful find.
hi do you know how i can get rid of pesky aphids?they are invading our plants!
Bonnie Aufderheide
WOW that was so helpful. The Peppermint haw worked and there’s not a mite in sight.
Thank you so much for your help. I’m just sorry that I had to throw away a bag of dog food.
I wasn’t comfortable giving my dog food that had creepy crawlers. Lesson learned.
Barbara Ball
Thank you for this post. I’ll give it a try. I have an infestation on my screened in back porch that is driving me crazy.
I just found your post, but will have to wait until morning to get my supplies. I’m not looking forward to the night as they’re on my laptop and I’ve noticed bites on my legs a couple of days before. I’m wondering if they are responsible? They itch!
They seem to be in the family room and saw one in my bedroom.
Ara Gureghian
Ah! Found these buggers this morning and read your article. Thank you for sharing. I also use Peppermint oil, a couple drops in the engine bay of the car for mice deterrent. Has always worked! Or just lay a bag of Mothballs unless you have pets reason for the oil.
Concrete Logan
Ugh these mites are a pain. My wife had put tape around the window to keep them from getting everywhere.
Then we had an exterminator come out and spray to no effect! We will have to try the peppermint oil trick and see if that works. Thanks for taking the time to write this!
Hi, I know for years these lil red bugs are on the large stairs entrance of my home, I didn’t worry, until I spotted them on my windows and I freaked out, so he question is: I have two birdhouses on the windows and want to know if I use the peppermint oil on these parts with the birds will going to do similary something to the birds?
The birds can go away also?
Or this is working only with these bugs?
I don’t want the birds goes away
Thank you so much for the post I started seeing them in my plants my grandson stood over Nd he slept in the couch wen he told me he felt tiny things crawling on him time for me to search and I came across Your post thank you so much for the advice with the peppermint oil idea Nd hair spray bless you
Carolyn Aylor
Remember tho that if you have pets essential peppermint is dangerous to use. Please be aware of using any item that may harm your pets. Great idea tho.
To anyone else scrolling the comments: Clover mires do NOT bite. If you are bitten by a microscopic red bug, it is undoubtedly a chigger.
To the author: Your childern sound like sociopaths, squishing every bug they can get their hands on. Sorry, but callous indifference towards other forms of life isn’t adorable in children of any age.
Clover mites are close relatives of ticks and spiders and are true mites, not insects. They are small household-invading mites that have long front legs. To the naked eye they are no more than tiny red bugs and appear no larger than a pinhead:https://www.couponupto.com/coupons/maxgenlabs?ts=asq
We live in a rural area and have acreage… we also have an obscene amount of concrete and a 2 story home that’s completely brick, all four sides are brick, including 5 brick patios, brick walkways, brick flower beds, brick coping around pool and have found an excessive amount of these teeny tiny red bricks all over our bricks, it’s absurd how many there are, I’m terrified for my child to sit, play, or put a drink or towel down on any of the bricks patios, walkways, steps, pool coping, etc.
I swear there have to be hundreds of thousands of these little guys….. the funny thing is, they only tend to stay on the red bricks, they never seem to venture off onto to regular concrete or windows, or doors, or other surroundings, they try to avoid human fingers, running the opposite direction….. so I’m not sure how they even got on the red bricks, but nothing seems to repel them and keep them away…. I will be trying the hairspray, vacuum and peppermint oil this week and will let you know how it pans out. I’m thinking we will need massive amounts of hairspray and peppermint oil. I have an outdoor shopvac I will be using and cleaning out afterwards. I’ll let you know if it works. Thank you so much for posting this.
I meant teeny tiny red *bugs* on the bricks
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Wow, I had no idea that clover mites were so tiny and prolific! I’ve been dealing with a problem in my backyard and reading this post helped me understand what was going on. The methods you suggested really worked, thanks for sharing your expertise!