We wanted to share this article with you all as we are quickly heading into the TV shopping deals and season. Our local news affiliate – KSL posted this article today on their website from reporter Paul Nelson. We thought it was fantastic and a great way for you to assess and maximizing your TV buying this season.
Here are some of the points in this article that we thought were very helpful.
Least expensive at the store; maybe not so cheap at home:
- LCD Models are the cheapest in the store. However the fluorescent bulbs do emit more power than other models and can cost more to run at home.
- LED models cost more in-store at first, but as the are 50% more efficient than LCD’s, you can make up the price over time.
- LCD screens do not match the same quality color picture as LED or Plasma screen.
- Also consider the set’s processor. Plasmas are the fastest and some people may notice a better picture.
Don’t plasma sets have problems in high elevation?
- Some might, but not as much as before as manufacturer’s have addressed this past issue.
Is thinner better? In some cases, yes!
- The case where thinner is better is if you plan to mount the TV on the wall. The LED is the TV recommendation in this case because they typically weigh less.
- If the TV is going to be near a window or in a room with a lot of light, consider a TV with a matte finish. If the TV is in a darker room, or a theater type room, basement, etc. then a TV with a glossy finish is fine!
To see the full article and all of the details, visit KSL.com.
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