Are you wanting to make positive strides towards a healthier home, using non-toxic, organic and sustainable products around your home?
This was a question I answered with a resounding “YES” many years ago. I make strides on my own, within my budget and find some decent alternatives here and there to slowly make these healthier changes. It first started with me making my own homemade cleaners, replacing the grocery store with my own, healthier homemade versions at home and making many of our own homemade personal care products. One of the next steps was to find healthier alternatives to things in my home that are the household products.
Four months ago, I stumbled upon a healthy home subscription service. I know that there are subscription services for everything these days, with food being one of the largest categories (I will share my experience with one of the food subscription services sometime soon), but I was really intrigued by the idea of getting a healthy home product monthly for much less than I could purchase it on its own so I could replace and swap with a non-toxic, organic alternative to traditional household supplies.
What do I mean by household supplies? Well, things like dryer sheets, water bottles, Saran wrap, etc.
That is where MightyFix comes in.
Now you know me. I use and try something for a while before I share it. I have used a meat co-op, produce co-op and countless other things and services for quite some time before telling you about it. I don’t tell you about things lightly.
So, I have been using this for four months. I have been massively impressed and thankful for the items I have received each month. This subscription service costs $10 a month, in which you get an organic, healthier, reusable, non-toxic household item shipped to your door each month with free shipping.
In the four months I have been a member, I have received some GREAT items that can replace others in my home with a non-toxic alternative. My regular grocery shopping bill decreases, even more, when I don’t have to buy refills of certain items.
Here are some examples of the items I have received:
The first month, I received a pack of 3 wool dryer balls. I LOVE these! I had switched to making my own fabric softener many years ago, but I truly think these are the bee’s knees. I can also add a few drops of essential oils directly onto the dryer ball to provide that therapeutic scent. I like to use lavender for most of my loads, but really like using lemon for my kitchen towels load.
These will last for about 1,000 loads each, so we are talking MANY years of not buying fabric softener and it is actually cheaper than making my own natural version.
You can try out the subscription service (cancel at ANY time) for only $3 the first month – this will give you three dryer balls for $3, shipped FREE. Use this link HERE and the discount will be applied.
Another item I received are stretchable, reusable lids. I have never seen anything like this before. But it’s like an alternative to Saran wrap or other lids. They fit on many different shapes and sizes to make for a snug, sealed cover for yogurt, open fruit/veggies, leftovers like my remaining homemade Italian Dressing, etc. I didn’t realize the usefulness of these lids the first time I opened my package, but I love it!
So far, this is what I have enjoyed about my monthly shipment of healthier household products – its like opening a birthday present each month! I knew I was getting the dryer balls the first month as I did the same $3 deal, but the rest is a fun surprise!
This next one is a product I have wanted for a while, but it is quite expensive. It’s basically reusable Saran Wrap. It lasts for a year and is wonderful! But buying it is quite pricey. So when it came in one of my monthly packs, I was so happy to have saved that money and use less plastic wrap!
This last one I got was a new product to me! I have seen collapsible bowls before, but these are collapsible silicone bowls that are BPA-free, toxic-free, lead-free and non-allergic! Plus, you can freeze and microwave in the same bowl! I have appreciated this bowl so much for Alex’s lunches. We even went out of town for a few days and had leftovers that would be perfect. But since we wouldn’t be home, instead of throwing them away, I stored them in this bowl in the freezer. Not only was this perfect, but I didn’t realize how much I appreciated coming late in the evening, to wake up in the morning and simply pull his food out of the freezer to take to work. No money or food wasted!
I use it all of the time, but I only use the freezing option on occasion.
I am going to keep getting my monthly shipment for a while as I have loved and wanted the items I have received, plus, when I compare the $10 price to Amazon’s prices, these are coming out cheaper! The MightyFix program does state that the value of the items sent each month exceeds their price, so you know you are going to get a great deal.
In fact, I have included the prices of these items from Amazon so you can see the difference!
Here’s how to get 3 Wool Dryer Balls for $3
- Head to the MightyFix Healthy Home site HERE
- The promotion should be automatically applied when you use the link. You will see this message at the top of your screen:
- Click on the sign-up button
- You will then be directed to your cart where you should see the $7 discount (if not, use coupon code: DRYERFIX2016 and then you will see the discount.
- Complete checkout and wait for your dryer balls to arrive and don’t buy fabric softener for quite a while!
- If you don’t want to continue receiving a healthier home swap each month, cancel your subscription at any time.
There you have it frugal friends! This was my next step to frugal, healthy living and so I am glad that I tried it and I have been happy with the products so far.
I would love to hear if you have used this program and how it is going for you? This is the first subscription service that I have been happy with and thought the value was truly there, but I want to hear your thoughts.
Mary G.
I did the MightyFix for a year and absolutely loved the products I received. The dryer balls replaced the tennis balls I used when drying down jackets, comforters, and other bulky items. The reusable bags for bulk purchases at the store, and one packable crossbody bag have become major parts of my shopping routine. Lots of other great products were received, and they really have been useful and affordable. We cut a lot of things from this year’s budget to see what we can do without, and will evaluate and add back in the things we truly miss. I hope to have my “Fix” back soon.
I am so glad you shared your experience, Mary! I am looking forward to receiving my future months’ shipments!! I have loved it just after 4 months!
Thank you!
Laura Nickell
Thank you so much for this link. My goal this year is to strive to be more frugal and save money. What a great way to start with such a great price!!! Blessings to you for being such an inspiration…