Friday has come yet again! And….. with Friday also comes Fun Fabulous Friday here on The Thrifty Couple.
For those of you that have not yet participated – how does Fun Fabulous Friday work? Well, at the end of today one of our readers will win a $10 Amazon gift card. You will need to enter to have a chance to win! You can get two possible entries each today.
Each week, we have had a fun topic for everyone to leave their quick comment/insight on. So this week, in an effort to get to know our readers better, we want to know how you tackle home projects.
Are you a:
- DIYer
- Hire it out
- Ask for a favor from a friend to help you out
- Not a DIYer, but attempt to do it yourself anyway all in the name of attempted money savings
- Or something else?
- And/or any tips you have for ways to tackle home projects the thrifty way
Here are the two ways to enter to win the $10 Amazon gift card. Make sure to leave a comment for each one as each one is a separate entry.
- This is the “mandatory” entry. We love hearing from each of you and your tips. So, this week we want to know your Home Project personality and/or thrifty home project tips!
- For your next entry, leave a second comment if you are a “liker” of The Thrifty Couple on Facebook. Its not too late if you’re not a liker yet, just go to our page and click ‘Like’. We also post extra deals and information on Facebook for our readers that you will not find on the site here.
We will announce the winner tomorrow!
This giveaway is for TODAY – Friday, September 24th ONLY! It ends at 11:59 MDT tonight!
I am a liker on facebook. Love Fridays!!
Barbara Cerveny
We are DIYers.
My husband is a DIYer, he can do anything BUT serious plumbing work, including but not limited to electrical work, finishing basements, pouring concrete, tiling, etc. He learned well from his family.
I am a wanna-be DIYer, I try to do it in an attempt to save money. Luckily I have my husband to guide me.
I like you on Facebook.
I am a DIY in some things, but in most…if my husband can’t do it, it just doesn’t get done. A lot of things we just make do with because neither of us as the inclination, skill or time to do anything about, and can’t justify the cost of hiring out.
I’m a FB liker! 🙂
Jake and Kiz Leppert
We often talk to a professional. . .think free consultation and ask TONS of questions. We ask about parts, tools, procedures, etc. Then we do as much a possible ourselves, as much as we comfortable doing to still have a quality job done in the end. Then we purchase the parts etc. ourselves too. . .as long as it is cheaper that way. THEN we hire the rest out to a professional, reasonably priced person/business.
So we are half-n-half-ers.
Alena W.
I’m a DIYer! My husband and I aren’t experts, but together we can learn to do just about anything! Plus we have many skilled family members and friends that are willing to lend a hand. It might surprise you how many people offer to help if you let them know what you have that needs to be done. And if you like, consider a trade for something you can do for them: babysitting, yard work, help with one of their projects. etc.
Alena W.
I’m a Facebook Liker! 🙂
Christan Hickman
My husband is a licensed contractor so you can say we are diy’ers. There isn’t much he can’t do so I don’t have to worry about much.
We are DIY unless it has to do with major electrical work or cutting down mature trees.
I usually try to do things myself if they are simple tasks (there are a lot of good library books on how to do things), but if it’s a big project that would take lots of time and really needs to be done right, then I call a professional.
I try to be a DYI’er most the time but never let my husband attempt fix it things. He always makes a bigger mess that costs more to fix it in the end. To his credit he does try. I just recovered my kitchen chairs for $10.00 and it was super easy. My thinking is give it a try you might suprise yourself at what you can do.
I also just became a liker on facebook. Thanks for all the great tips!
Robyn Galloway
I prefer to do things myself and I am also really great at turning trash in to treasure. Unless it involves power tools. That is my hubby’s job!
Robyn Galloway
Im a fan on FB!
Amy A.
We are DIYers, mostly my husband. I have good ideas, but I am not very talented. 🙂
Amy A.
I am also a facebook liker
My fiancee is a DIYer. . .He WANTS to do these projects, so I let him and stay out of the way!
Oh you may have struck a cord over here— my hubby looks at you when you ask him to do something and he seems to be listening and will even agree and sometimes act interested. But for some reason I end up doing everything. I would rather do it myself than wait a year or so!
I am a facebook fan! Love it!
Barter! It’s a great way to get tasks done that you can’t do.
I am a facebook fan.. Thanks!
We are DIYer’s and have a LOT of projects this fall:)
I like to make my own decorations for holidays. Every year I at least try to make something for Halloween and Christmas.
I am a liker on FB.
Mary J
We hire someone to fix stuff around the house.
My husband can only repair the toilet & garbage disposal.
Mary J
FB liker.
Thank you for the Friday contest.Have a good weekend.
Michele Rezewski
We are not great at home DIY projects. Neither me or my husband have great experience, but I do like to do home crafty projects. I just bought some woood at home depot and we installed some simple shelves and I made a cute wooden sign, and a growth chart for my son.
Michele Rezewski
I’m a FB liker!!!
We have a Habitat Restore offering new construction left-overs and salvaged building materials. It’s a great way to get cheap materials and support Habitat for Humanity.
is also a FB liker – Thanks!
Ha. What a perfect post. I literally just spent 1 hour at Menards (midwest version of Home Depot… but we have those too) and bought 4 gallons of paint and a load of supplies…
We are de-wallpapering our bedroom and office. We’ve already done the dining room and have two rooms left (that we’ll need to wait on to regain sanity). After AT LEAST 40-50 hours of hard labor on the walls, we are ready to paint!
My recommendation for anyone doing wallpaper is to be very thorough (or hire someone. haha). Scrub the glue off as much as possible, don’t waste money on those expensive solvents… soap and water and brawn are best. Before painting, patch holes completely… even mini ones and use an oil-based primer first to make sure there are no tiny bits of glue left. Then, pick a neutral color you won’t get sick of.
Phew. Now off to tape the edges for paint tomorrow!
Jennifer Rowland
Depends on the project, but most likely DIY
Jennifer Rowland
FB liker 🙂
I’m not really a DIY type, but I will tackle some things myself. In deciding whether to try something, I’ll consider: (1) does the project require knowledge or skill that I don’t have? (2) does it require expensive tools that I don’t own? (3) will it require an inordinate about of my time to complete? If the answer to all three questions is “no,” then I’ll give it a shot.
Cindy M.
I am a DIYer most of the time. Learning to do things by myself.
Cindy M.
I have been a liker on fb now for many months! thanks for all of the good info that you give!
Our tip is to DIY as much as possible. We are nowhere near close to knowing how to do it all, but we get quite a sense of accomplishment by doing it together and by ourselves and saving the money we would’ve paid someone to do it for us.
I would love to be crafty. Maybe one day I’ll get it! 🙂
I usually try and see if there is a “How to” video on you tube.
Facebook fan! 😀
My hubby is a “learn by necessity” kind of guy, he fixes what he can (youtube how to videos helped him fix our lawn mower recently). I’m afraid my little one has already noticed he is the better one at fixing in our family, she says “daddy will fix it” even as I am fixing her broken toy.
We are DIY’ers and always save tons of money. At this moment we are redoing our kitchen cabinets. The current cabinets are still nice, just boring and outdated hardware. With a good sanding and some awesome new stain as well as new hardware they will be good as new!
I like you on Facebook.
Jessica Fox
I always tackle my home improvement projects by asking my sweet hubby to tackle them. 🙂 He works in construction, and there isn’t any of it he can’t do. 🙂 Plus, he can be bought cheap…..offer him a cheesecake, and he is all over it. 😉
Jessica Fox
I “like” you guys on Facebook. 🙂
As diy’ers, we get the whole family involved. We get a job done and quality time with our teenagers!!
Whitney Treloar
My husband ignores all projects. I do my best. If it is too complicated, I hire it out.