YAY! We love seeing the new coupons roll out when the new month begins. Well right now you can print a coupon for $1.00 off any Reach dental floss (look under personal care to find it quick!). These sale for .97 at Walmart and Target = FREE after coupon!
Print twice and get two for FREE. This coupon will probably go very quickly, so don’t wait to print it!
This coupon is perfect, we go through floss like crazy and just yesterday Thrifty Al reported “we need to find those $1.00 coupons again as the baby just pulled out all the floss and now we are out again!” Yes, one of the kids leaves the floss on the bathroom counter, baby goes in, and unstrings the whole thing. She thinks it is awfully fun!
So…. we love these coupons
Thanks Deal Seeking Mom
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