Wow – this is a FREEBIE you will want to snag quick!
Request your FREE pair of CoolMax Power Sox by the Gold Toe brand. These look like pretty high-tech socks and now you can snag a FREE pair. You will want to HURRY though as it is limited to the first 30,000. We just requested ours and it said they will arrive in 6-8 weeks!
Thanks Mojo Savings
Suzie Lee
Way cool! Thanks!
Nikki :-)
Thanks – Cant wait to get them.. Have a great TUESDAY
Giselle Schaller
Would love a free pair of socks! Thanks!
I am having problems with the site. Do you know if its ended? I sooo need new running socks.
This deal is dead. Socks are gone! They are offering a discount coupon though.
Got my socks ordered earlier today. Woot!