Here are some great FREEBIES for kids available today, but who knows how long they will be free!
Looking for more books for your Kindle? Here are today’s children’s freebies. {Find the latest fiction freebies and nonfiction freebies as well!}
- Tallulah Louise & The Terrible Sneeze (An Awkward Owl Reader ~ Illustrated Picture Book ~ Ages 3 to 8)
by Shawnda Blake
- The Little Bleeble
by A.J. Cosmo
- Hip and Helen Peg the Egg (Hip and Helen Search and Discover Series)
by Ryan McLemore
- Bumble Babees
by Laura Yirak
- Passions, Strengths & Self Esteem! The Extensive Guide- Surviving Primary School (Children’s free book- The social issues series for children ages 9-12)
by Dr. Orly Katz
- Pete the Penguin
by Christine Perez
You can download to your computer or mobile device (iPad, iPhone, Android, etc.) on Kindle for FREE. If you are looking to download onto your PC, then you can head to Amazon HERE to download the application for your PC for these FREE ebooks that will pop up!
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