We want to share an exciting way for our fellow Utah citizens to save big money on food and get fresher, better quality food in the process! It all has to do with purchasing through the Food and Meat Co-op direct bulk community buying efforts!
Check out this month’s BEEF specials (September 2020 ONLY).
Selection changes each month. So don’t miss out on beef at super low prices for our community! This is a passion project that we have worked on in our state for each of you! We love Utah, it’s communities, families, farmers, butchers and small businesses.
Delicious, local, savory meats available to all in our state is an exciting step for 2020….and beyond!

>>> Head to Food and Meat Co-op HERE for more details! <<<
How to get an EXTRA 5% off all year!
Along with allowing ALL of Utah’s citizens to participate in this community bulk meat buying co-op called Food and Meat Co-op in Utah, you can become a VIP Insider’s member and enjoy MANY extra benefits for becoming an annual member! Learn more about that HERE.

2020 Food Challenges
What a cRaZy year! We know it’s been tough on many fronts trying to navigate through 2020 and the pandemic climate in our world, country and state.
In addition to massive challenges in all areas of life, the issue of food security has been a disturbing and difficult challenge for many families.
In fact, it’s the year that many have realized how volatile the food supply chain really is! We have learned we rely to heavily on the supply chain that supplies nearly all meat and food in our country.
When the system broke due to COVID-19, families everywhere started turning to other sources for food and meat, especially direct sources, but with butchers all over becoming booked well into 2021, it became difficult FAST. Some had success, but many didn’t and were forced to buy limited supply per household, regardless of family size.
Use a locally-based food co-op!
Well, for MANY YEARS, Alex and I have promoted the idea of purchasing through a co-op through our website here.
We have encouraged the idea of trying to get as close to the source as possible as this does a few things:
- Saves Tons of Money – average of 30-50% savings by purchasing direct through a group co-op
- Provides Food Security – We have our own ecosystem of local food and we do not rely on the national system that massively broke, thus connecting people directly, greatly minimizing your risk of not finding affordable food in any economic climate.
- Fresher, Better Quality – because it is direct, it is fresher because it hasn’t been through a long transportation chain and freezers
- Supports Local Economy – boost Utah’s economy by supporting local!
- More Food Transparency – you know more about your food, and the places it comes from. Plus we know exactly how to track down the source for your food, providing security in case of recalls.
- Supports Small Business – not only do you get a direct source, but you support the other small businesses in the process from the local distributors, the local co-op and butchers.
- Keep the food chain supply healthy and vibrant!
What we did in the heart of the 2020 lockdown to secure food for our family.
Since the start of COVID-19, we never had a food supply shortage, in fact, we acquired 80 lbs of chicken, 60 lbs of bacon and 60 lbs of beef in April, 2020, when food was the hardest to acquire. We have many local sources that allows for us to buy direct and not only support the local food chain, but we saved TONS of money – like 30-50%.
What happened to our Utah community as a result of our local findings
As we were doing what we could to help our brick and mortar printing store survive the pandemic closures, working to help our local busineses survive and continuing to help our readers here navigate their survival economically and with food during the pandemic, something BIG happened….
We had TONS of friends and family all over the country beg for help in finding food. We have been invovled in the food-chain process in many capacities over the years from volunteering in local co-ops to even working for national co-ops, so we knew the ins and outs of what was happening with food in America. It was incredibly painful to watch.
On the retail end, there were massive shortages, price gouging and families, no matter their size, being limited in what they could purchase.
Then on the supplier side, there was a SURPLUS because 60% of our food supply goes to hotels, theme parks, cruise ships and event caterers. That had all stopped. So they had TOO MUCH FOOD! They were forced to throw fresh food out by the millions of pounds and to euthanize animals. Even abort pregnant animals because they didn’t have the capacity to raise and hold that much food.
We KNEW HOW TO CONNECT the consumer directly to these food sources that had a surplus. Thus, we started a local food co-op in Utah in late May, 2020! We started so our fellow Utahans did not have to worry about food and help support our local farmers, suppliers and distributors!
Thus the Food and Meat Co-op in Utah was born. We have distributed over $100K of food to Utahans in the first 3 months! This is about 40,000 lbs of FOOD to our community, directly from the source to the consumer!
How To Buy Meat and Food Through the Food and Meat Co-op in Utah!
First – you can read the “how it works” on the Food and Meat Co-op page HERE.
Each month, the Food and Meat Co-op procures different foods available in bulk, direct and with group co-op pricing.
The new monthly sale will be posted at FoodandMeatCoop.com.
Locate your local pickup time and location. You can send anyone to pick up your food during that local pickup window!
Order ahead of time just a few weeks before pickup. We have to collect orders before hand because your food is made and packed fresh and loaded onto the truck. So if you don’t have an order in, you will miss out that month.
Meet us at the truck to pick up your food in a parking lot near you.
Meat and food and is sold in bulk, but it’s easy to share! For example, this beef comes in a 60 lb case of 6 10lb tubes! It’s easy to divide it up and share or pack for your freezer!
>>> Head to Food and Meat Co-op HERE for more details! <<<

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