UPDATE: This eBook is no longer available for FREE for everyone. However, if you have Amazon Prime and own a Kindle, you can borrow the book for FREE with no due dates as part of their Kindle Owner’s Lending Library.
Grab your FREE How to Declutter Your Home and Your Life ebook. Since it is FREE we recommend downloading it and you may pick up some great tips. This is a FREE download onto your computer or mobile device (iPad, iPhone, Android, etc.) on Kindle.
The cost is FREE, but this could change at any time!
Don’t have a Kindle? Did you know that you don’t need one? Check out one of our earlier posts on how you can get the FREE Kindle app for pretty much any electronic device – your electronic toothbrush excluded. 🙂 including downloading to your computer. If you are looking to download onto your PC, then you can head to Amazon HERE to download the application for your PC for these FREE ebooks that will pop up!
Grab your FREE copy HERE.
See more FREE Stuff
Thanks Money Saving Mom
I’d love to get this book but it says it’s free ONLY to Amazon Prime members, otherwise the cost is $3.94.
Thanks for all the great finds you post! I LOVE The Thrifty Couple!
Have a great day.
Lisa @ Drugstore Divas
Goodness knows I need this, but it’s only free for Prime members. It’s about $4 for non-Prime members.
Hi Lisa and Lynn,
When we originally posted this it was showing the price as FREE for everyone. With its popularity, though (#1 in Do-It Yourself category) it appears they raised the price. We updated the post to indicate this as well. And yes, it appears we ALL need this book. LOL! ~Alex
Awww, I must have missed it when you first posted then. : ( I just ordered my free Purex though! You guys rock!