Have you heard of Cellfire? Well, it is the direction that we see many stores and retailers heading towards….. and that is the idea of ecoupons!
Many grocery stores across the nation have made this easier way of coupon non-clipping easy. All you have to do is head over to Cellfire (you will need to register if you are new) and load coupons onto your shoppers card. Then if you purchase anything in the store that has an ecoupon, when you checkout and scan your shoppers card, that coupon amount will be automatically deducted!
How cool is that? Both Thrifty Al and I would love to reduce the number of coupons we actually physically clip – the future may be more and more mobile and ecoupons!
Best of all – it is FREE, saves paper and ink, and cutting/organizing time!
So…. what you would want to do is head over to Cellfire and get some coupons loaded – they have just added a bunch of new ones too! We will let you know about deals in our grocery matchups as we find them, but load any coupons for products you have purchased or would like to now before they are gone and you just might see some extra savings come off on your receipt!
I always wondered this about e-coupons…say I bought five boxes of Cheerios, and there is a Cellfire coupon for .55 cents off of one box of Cheerios on my shopper card. Would the e-coupon deduct .55 cents off FIVE times, or just once?? : )
No – it actually only takes ones off
Thrifty Al and I were discussing this very thing about 2 months ago. We see the future of couponing heading in this direction, but this would put a pretty good damper on things. You can load from each of the sites like Shortcuts.com, cellfire.com and the stores website directly to maybe have multiples that might come off that way.
Hope that helps! Thanks for your comment!