At the time of writing this post, we are all experiencing a “social distancing” type of quarantine as we deal with the Coronavirus or COVID-19 here in early 2020.
And I don’t know about you…but we are going a little stir-crazy. So while we are writing posts sharing tips for DIY, toilet paper alternatives, educational plans from home, hand santizer and many more relevant posts, we also realize that we want to use this time to maximize our time and our quarantine and make the most of it, while curing our boredom and “stir-crazy-ness” but getting our homes organized, cleaned-out, decluttered and even sell some of the stuff we find that will bless another family while helping our own family’s economy!
So, right now is a great time to organize. With the organization challenge it is also a great time to start new schedules, help life at home calm down from being more organized and develop that desire and need to get home in order to prepare for upcoming events, gatherings and holidays after this quarantine is over!
So, we are hosting a 30-day organization challenge over here at our home and want to invite you to join us!
It’s quite simple – we will post a different small task and area of focus to get organized each day for 30-days. By the end of 30 days, your home should be organized and in order – perfect to start out your next several months of life enjoy lots of fun family and friend memories and time without your disorganization coming out to get you!
To participate – don’t miss a challenge by joining our email reminder list below so that you can stay on track with the challenge by receiving daily reminders (right after we post the daily challenge) right to your inbox. This is the only way to stay on top of the challenges and to receive a challenge each day.
Once you sign-up for the email reminder, you will receive your first task the following day and then a subsequent daily task for a total of 30 days.
We will address each of the areas of the home starting with the papers, desks, files and more. Then we will move into the kitchen and bathrooms and end with bedrooms and other misc. areas. We also hope to share DIY ideas for better organization throughout the challenge as well.
It is also fun to have a team to motivate and inspire – plus share ideas. We will be sharing video and posting pictures of our progress too!
We also have a Facebook group called Side Hustles and Challenges with The Thrifty Couple HERE. This is separate from our public Facebook page, and is a small, intimate group that is a private group for encouragement, inspiration, discussion and to also keep up with the tasks there too! Of course, the best way to be involved and ask questions is here on our site on the posts – so comment away with your progress too!
We will be sharing LIVE updates starting on Monday, March 23rd, 2020, but anytime that you are reading this post, you will be able to see the videos, updates and join the group!
I am in
G Switch
Or maybe we will complete it sooner!
Love it! Great time too as I have a few days off work this week.
Suzie Van Ornam Chatel
I’m scared, but what do I have to lose? 100 pounds of disorganization, Yeah!
YAY! You will get organized!
Margaret Wade
I’m in. I have a lot of organizing to do but short on energy as I have a Mastoid inflammation right now.
Sounds great I am looking forward to it!
Sounds great!
TOni Proper
I am in
Dendra Chavez
I’m ready
Please add me to the 30 day organizational challenge!
A Plan to get your home organized in 30 days with small daily tasks. The results are home wide & easy to do so that you are back on track in no time!
Dwayne Mann
It looks and sounds amazing, and I can’t wait to experience it!
Marlin Cox
It’s amazing and looking forward to the challenge. FGO offers the best selection of free games available online and the best uninterrupted gaming experience.
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Donna Domino
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During the Covid-19 pandemic, we didn’t go out unless we had to, we moved our working life home, although it seemed like a boring situation, it was actually an opportunity to do a lot of things that we couldn’t do that we couldn’t spend with our family, sometimes we watched movies that we wanted to watch, I think we made the best use of the epidemic period.
This article is a fantastic addition to the discussion—thank you!
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estafa de reseñas
Joyce Demps
thank you. papa’s freezeria