It is Brussels Sprouts season. That’s why I am going to show you how to make Pan Fried Brussels Sprouts that actually taste good with the spice combination I share below. It is an odd combination of spices, but makes for an incredible tasting mini-cabbage side dish. It ends up being quite a frugal and healthy solution for your Brussel Sprouts!
You may be like us and be saying “but why am I even reading this recipe as I/We hate Brussels Sprouts?” That’s okay, you are reading it as you may be curious as to how and why we love this.
You see, we really disliked Brussels Sprouts too…. in fact a lot! We never bought them.
I avoided Brussels Sprouts for many years. In their natural, raw state, they are bitter, and really quite terrible tasting. Rarely do we meet anyone that like Brussels Sprouts in their normal state. But they are so good for you.
However, oddly enough, it wasn’t the frugal-in-season time that I fell in love with Brussels Sprouts. It was actually during one of my pregnancies that I started craving Brussels Sprouts. I RARELY ate them before this because I couldn’t find a yummy solution.
So although I loved them during one of my pregnancies, my family did not like steamed Brussels Sprouts with salt and butter. It was a “no-go” for all.
In addition, over the years, we have been a part of a produce co-op and we don’t get to pick what’s in our basket each time. We just take what we get as it is such a good price. Often during this time of year, our basket would include a nice batch of fresh Brussels Sprouts. Being The Thrifty Couple, we couldn’t just throw them out. We had to learn to like them. So after a few experiments between my pregnancy cravings and forced to eat them from our co-op basket, we finally have found the perfect combination!
You know that old adage, “necessity is the mother of invention!” That’s where I created this recipe that it has been a hit for over 6 years! So now we look forward to Brussels Sprouts season so that we can enjoy Pan Fried Brussels Sprouts!
Now we buy them intentionally during the in-season time period when they are the cheapest. Not just eat them when we happen to get them in our produce co-op basket. Everyone in our family now loves this veggie, including the 2-year old!
We originally sorta took our idea from the Roasted Broccoli and used a similar concoction on our Brussel Sprouts. You can roast them in the oven too, but pan fried is really nice!
How to Make Pan Fried Brussels Sprouts
Here’s what you need for Pan Fried Brussels Sprouts: –
- 1 lb. of Brussels Sprouts
- 1/4 cup of Coconut or Olive Oil
- 1 TBSP. of minced garlic
- about 1 teaspoon of each: Turmeric, Salt, Cinnamon, Black Pepper
- about 1/2 teaspoon of each: Paprika, Cayenne Pepper
Here’s how to make Pan Fried Brussels Sprouts:
- Rinse and cut your Brussels Sprouts in half (or smaller if they are really large)
- Then throw them in the pan with the oils and start frying on medium heat
- As you are frying, toss in each spice and mix between each addition
- Fry for about 8-10 minutes until the Brussels Sprouts are tender.
- Serve warm!
That’s it, but they are so, so good. We now not only LOVE to get Brussels Sprouts in our produce co-op basket, but we actually INTENTIONALLY buy them at the grocery store in between our produce co-op pick ups!
We would love to hear your thoughts on this recipe for Pan Fried Brussels Sprouts. Did you all enjoy this version? The spices also add an extra element of extra healthfulness as they are all a “superfoods” type of spice. So the veggies are incredibly healthy!
And now….. Do you know what this guy is?
It’s Fennel. I like the fennel spice – but the raw plant. ACK! If only we can find a similar concoction love for the fennel we receive in our produce co-op basket sometimes….. we still loathe that veggie. We will be happy to take suggestions. You just can’t win them all. 🙂
You can print the Pan Fried Brussels Sprouts recipe below:
Pan Fried Brussels Sprouts | Print |
- 1 lb. of Brussels Sprouts
- ¼ cup of Coconut or Olive Oil
- 1 TBSP. of minced garlic
- about 1 teaspoon of each: Turmeric, Salt, Cinnamon, Black Pepper
- about ½ teaspoon of each: Paprika, Cayenne Pepper
- Rinse and cut your Brussels Sprouts in half (or smaller if they are really large)
- Then throw them in the pan with the oils and start frying on medium heat
- As you are frying, toss in each spice and mix between each addtion
- Fry for about 8-10 minutes until the Brussels Sprouts are tender.
- Serve warm!

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love it! slice up the bulb just like you would an onion. pan fry w/ olive oil. add garlic if you want. once nice and tender transfer to a food processor and add some balsamic vinegar, like 3 tablespoon- to your taste. add enough olive oil just so you can make a spread. use on bagel chips, melba toast etc. yummy!!!!!!
Hmmm… that does sound good for the fennel. We have tried to pan fry it and still didn’t like it. Perhaps as a spread, it would taste better (especially with that licorice taste!). Thanks for the tip!
I love fennel, but my kids were not big fans until we made pizza out of it. Cook the fennel much like Linda above mentioned (just in the pan with some onions, olive oil, a little salt and pepper, maybe some garlic) until it’s soft. Meanwhile, spread a pizza dough (homemade, from the grocery, even Pillsbury…whatever’s on sale) onto a greased cookie sheet. Sprinkle about a cup of shredded cheese on the dough, spread the fennel mixture evenly and sprinkle some grated Parmesan on top. Bake according to dough directions and enjoy.
I don’t like the licorice flavour of fennel, BUT if you don’t want to use the fennel all at once like the above suggestions use it like onion to add flavour to:
pasta/pizza sauce
home made sausage rolls/pasties
any ground mince meal
add a little to stir fries
For fennel I usually cut it up into small slices and buy an orange or two cut it up and use olive oil, and some balsamic vinegar and make a fresh salad! Very yummy!
We slice up a fennel bulb along with half a head of cabbage and sauté in a pan with olive oil and salt and pepper. The flavors are really nice together
Mary Jo Mayfield
I have a delicious fried Brussels sprout recipe that is more like a crunchy, sweet hot salad! But, this sounds good too!
Just add the sliced fennel along with the sprouts, yum!
Brussels sprouts I have learned to eat but cannot get passed the nausea that the smell and taste fennel evokes.
We love to eat fennel raw. Italians swear it aids in digestion, it is always on our dessert table!
Shaved raw fennel plus orange slices plus ginger and a dash of salt and oil = divine
I love Granny Smith Apple & Fennel slaw! Tart green apples go well with the aromatic fresh fennel, and I toss in a few caraway seeds for complexity. Dress it simply with olive oil and lemon juice, salt & pepper to taste.
Fennel is delicious sliced lengthwise, spread in an 9×9 roasting pan, cover with heavy cream, top with parmasean. Bake at 350 for about 25-30 minutes until bubbly, cheese browned and fennel tender. You will never say you don’t like fennel again!
I like chicken fennel soup. A twist on the old recipe.
Thanks!!! Our family loves fennel cut and baked 15-20 minutes with salt, pepper and grated cheese!! We use pecorino Romano !!!!!
Cathy @
Thanks for sharing this recipe will try this out. I am sure my family will love it