I know, the title is odd and two things that really don’t seem related at all but somehow we are talking about them in one article – I mean “How To Save Money on School Clothes and Christmas Presents Right Now” is a pretty random topic! They actually do have something in common believe it or not!
What is the common ground that school clothes and Christmas presents share? Well, right now is actually the best time to get them and it is and will be for the next 4-5 weeks!
First, let’s talk about How To Save Money on School Clothes.
There are key tips that can help you save big money on a seemingly unavoidable scenario. And here they are!
- Summer clearances are huge right now – Let’s face it, t-shirts and short sleeved tops do not know seasons! They are all-season wear! But retail stores do know seasons and want to bring new t-shirts every season for the eager buyers. Well you can be the smart buyer and grab some rock bottom deals for the summer clearances and stock-up on those cheap t’s and all-season clothes!
- Summer clothes will often be perfect for the first month or so of school as the weather is still quite warm in most places – What is cool, is when the weather does start to cool, the fall clearances begin – which is perfect timing for you to grab the warmer clothes for the cooler weather!
- Back to school sales are in full swing and will be for the next several weeks but you get the best prices earlier in the sale – This means that you can get some good prices, like up to 65% off on the new season clothes. Here’s the tip: the prices are generally better in the earlier back-to-school shopping season! This is especially the case on jeans, they seem to be lower in price earlier in the back to school shopping season rather than later. So in this case, the early bird gets the worm! At least that has been the pattern in previous years.
- There will most likely be coupons for money or percent off your total purchase at any store – Honestly, there are coupons galore and we never shop at any season or any time without a coupon…. even if we have “forgotten” a coupon, you can last minute while checking out use your smart phone and do a search for “coupon for Kohls” or whatever it may be and you will probably find one in a couple of minutes and can either give the cashier the code or they will scan the barcode from your phone! So even if you forget before you walk out, there is really no reason not to use one. Even better is to remember to check and print from home just to ease the worry in case the store will not accept digital forms.
- Check your mailers, newspapers and ads especially during this season – Retailers want you to choose their store for your back to school needs. In fact, in America, the average American household spends an average of about $250 just in clothes. What this means is that Back-To-School shopping is the second largest spending season, and second only to…. you guessed it… Christmas! So of course they want to work hard to get your $250
So what are they going to do? They will offer rock bottom sales on certain clothing items and offer you coupons to get you in the door! Take advantage of both and hit a few stores this way to save big! These savings will be at your finger tips!
- Shop online for the same (or greater savings with online coupon codes often being greater value than printable store coupons) and help feed kids in need – How? By using a great site called Save1.com . This site provides you with thousands of coupon codes and savings like many other sites, but by redeeming the same coupon through their site means that children in need that are hungry receive a meal! How cool is that?!? This is a no-brainer way to shop and save and help others at the same time – plus you will probably enjoy shopping from home instead too
- If your kids are willing, second hand stores are a great place to go for an alternative. Just get creative in putting outfits together and finding those set-ups where you can have 5-7 pieces but get 14 outfits! For a name-brand, higher end second hand clothing store…. consider the online version called ThredUp HERE. Also, find out how you can get $10 off your order HERE and this can lead to maybe grabbing an extra piece for free to an ensemble! This is my preferred second hand store as I buy the nice, name brand, “expensive” clothes here but pay a fraction of the cost. ThredUp is very picky about the clothes they sell and we have never been disappointed!
So now let’s talk about that crazy shopping season called Christmas. Yes, it is the #1 in sales for retailers. And just by maximizing what they do to get ready for the season you can save big:
- Stores want to clear out much of their normal stock to get ready for the Christmas season – meaning clearance prices on toys – They clear out like crazy starting the end of July until about the middle to end of September…. then the Christmas specific toys (toys that are heavily marketed) are brought out for the rest of the season. So that means that they are clearing out big time between summer toys going out (many of which are good all-seasons!) and the newly marketed toys coming in. We have found that this is absolutely the best time to shop for Christmas (besides the 2-3 weeks after!). Retailers like Toys R Us especially have the clearance toys coming out of their ears right now! In the past, Alex and I have gotten some really great toys for like 80% off starting the end of July!
- Because of the awesome clearance prices, this is an awesome time to stock up your gift bin – It is a good time to stock your gift bin for all occasion gift-giving, it is a good time to shop for Christmas presents for any kids on your list and a great time to save.
- The earlier you shop in the toy clearance season, the better selection you have as the items are getting “cleared out.” – We have often had the bulk of our Christmas shopping done before September ends, but we have found the best gifts earlier in the shopping season. So keep your eyes peeled!
- Don’t forget this doesn’t just refer to toys but all types of potential gifts – Most all major retailers go through this toy clearance, but many are also clearing out household and “seasonal” items that all make great Christmas gifts! We have found tea pitchers, glassware and more on amazing clearance prices right now that were perfect for many on our Christmas list! We notice these great clearances at major retailers like Macy’s, Kohls and other higher end stores!
- Make sure to take advantage of these clearances online with online coupon codes – The retailers are really trying to clear out their stock, including online stock! Plus don’t forget to check savings sites as well for those coupon codes to save you money or percent off your total purchase and/or get free shipping too – especially sites such as Save1.com (feeding hungry kids while saving) which is really just an awesome way to give back to others while you use an online coupon code!
So, we hope you have been following our Christmas and clothes savings tips so that you have a good stash of cash to use now that will ultimately save you a bundle for the next two months!
What tips do you have for saving in these two areas?
Photo credits: Care2.com
Lisa B
SELLER BEWARE & Steer clear of ThredUp if you are the seller!!!!!! You can make more money by donating the items & getting tax write-off or even selling them at a garage sale. They are SUPER picky about what they accept & then pay you pennies for them. I got 60 cents for a Winnie the Pooh wind breaker hoodie they sold for $6.99. 10 percent is a joke! consignment stores typically pay you 40%
I have to agree with Lisa. I won’t be using ThredUp anymore. At the start up of the website, they offered a reasonable cash out but as they have grown in popularity they have reduced their pay outs to a point that is just insulting. Too bad as the idea was great!
Benjamin Cooper
Great article!
Very good article, I am sure it will help many people. A lot of money needs to be spent on children, on their clothes and food. I also often turn to educational resources, like paperhelp, which helps my children with their homework. It is very important to turn to professionals in time so that your children receive only the best knowledge and grades. You need to give your children only the best to make them successful in life.