Join us for our Spring Cleaning Challenge to Organize and Clean for a Thrifty and Healthy Home!
Here we go on sharing one of my favorite homemade cleaning recipes.ย Why do I love this??….Well, I have been in love with those handy, dandy cleaning wipes ever since they came out several years ago.ย They are like a mom’s best friend! A kids spills, spits-up, makes a sticky mess…out comes the wipes and the job is done and in the trash (not on the kids of course, just the left behind mess!)!
I started out many years ago using the chemical-enhanced ones, then a few years ago switched to the “greener” options like Clorox Green Works, 7th Generation and Scotch Brite Botanicals. I switched for a few reasons, two of them being that I wanted to stop using chemical-filled cleaners in my home for everyone’s health sake, and I also wanted to get the kids doing chores and didn’t want them using dangerous cleaners of any sort…including those spiffy wipes!
So since switching, I do like them.ย But they can get pricey.ย I stock-up when there is a rock bottom sale, but as a family of 7, we go through these pretty quickly!
So, I make my own!! It is actually VERY SIMPLE. In fact it is so simple that you will be smacking your palm to your forehead when I am done ๐
They are not only safe, they actually promote health with the benefits of essential oils as the primary cleaning agent! The are perfectly safe for kids and pets and you could actually use these on hands and skin if you get in a “clean-up bind!”
Before we start, I use essential oils for many things, including cleaning. These are the “secret” ingredients to make these cleaners have their “antibacterial effect.”ย Read up on the top oils for cleaning and how to get them cheap HERE!
Here’s the simple recipe and ingredients needed:
- 2 cups warmish water
- 1 paper towel roll. It is good to note that the higher quality paper towel will yield higher quality wipes and vice versa – we love the Viva ones. They hold up very well!
- 5 drops of lavender essential oil
- 5 drops of lemon essential oil
- 2-3 drops of melaleuca/tea tree essential oil
- 2-3 drops of oregano essential oil
- An empty and cleanย (rinsed/washed)ย baby wipes tub or wipes tube from a previous green cleaner (I don’t think using a previous container that held chemical cleaning wipes is wise.)
Step #1 – Cut the paper towel roll in half with a serrated knife!
Step#2 – Squeeze the half paper towel roll into a large wipes tub upright or baby wipes container laid on it’s side.
Step #3 – Add essential oil drops to your 2-cups of water.
Step#4- Pour the water over the wipes and then wait a few minutes until it has completely soaked through the wipes.
Step#5 – After all of the paper towels are soaked, then the middle cardboard roll should slide right out!
Step#6 – Pour off excess water.
Step #7 – Pull the wipes from the middle and through the lid.
Then you are done!! These will only keep for about 4-6 weeks.
Here’s a printable recipe that you can put in your home binder:
Homemade Natural Antibacterial Cleaning Wipes (Like Clorox Green Works, 7th Generation and Scotch Brite Botanicals) | | Print |
- 2 cups warmish water
- 1 paper towel roll
- 5 drops of lavender essential oil
- 5 drops of lemon essential oil
- 2-3 drops of melaleuca/tea tree essential oil
- 2-3 drops of oregano essential oil
- An empty and clean (rinsed/washed) baby wipes tub or wipes tube from a previous green cleaner (I don't think using a previous container that held chemical cleaning wipes is wise.)
- *Please note, the higher quality paper towels you use, the higher quality wipe you will get!
- Cut the paper towel roll in half with a serrated knife
- Place ½ paper towel roll in a wipes tube or baby wipes tub.
- Put your oil drops in your water
- Then pour the water over the wipes
- Let it soak through for a few minutes so all of the towels are soaked
- Then pull out the middle cardboard tube
- Pour off excess water
- Pull wipe from middle for tubes and the end for baby wipes tubs and thred through lid.
- Use and enjoy!

We also HIGHLY recommend that you put this in your home binder along with many more things we will be sharing! See all of the information on this in our previous post HERE about Put Together Your Home Binder with Free Downloads.
Finally, use this new thrifty and healthy cleaning product as part of our Spring Cleaning Challenge.
Great idea! I’m addicted to the Lysol ones with the scrubby side. Any ideas on how to replicate those?
I liked those too ๐ So, with these by your side, I will be sharing my homemade antibacterial cleaning spray – combined with a scrubby sponge from the list in the link would take care of that as I totally understand the need to replace those too ๐ It might not be quite as convenient in one little pad, but it works well!
Hi Cassie,
Do you have a remedy for something like Tilex Mold/Mildew – I need something specifically that will kill the mold on my grout and the Tilex seems highly toxic to breathe it, took days of the fan being on to get the smell out.
Nevermind! I see it is on your list…Thanks for these, can’t wait to try them out.
No problem ๐ But I will tell you that the most important items to have on your list so that you can be prepared for when I share that recipe are the hydrogen peroxide and the essential oils ๐
If I got the smaller oils package you recommended, what can I substitute for the oregano oil in this one?
Hi Allison, The Cinnamon/Cassia blend would be a great substitute. It has many of the same benefits as the oregano too. I have that exact blend from Nature’s Alchemy too and I really love to use it! Hope that helps!!
Thank you!
Michelle Cusick
I buy up old flannel baby blankets at the thrift stores and cut into 7in squares for re-usable wipes. I hemmed the edges on the first couple and ended up just sewing around the square without the hem and they have been fine through several washings. I just throw them in with whatever load im washing next. We don’t buy paper towels. We were driving down the highway one day and there was a package of 6 lying along the road. That was 5 months ago and we still have lots of them left. lol. Just something i got away from spending money on and we’re pretty used to it now.
Colette Swan
Doesn’t the paper bowl turn into a mushy mess? will it pull through the lid and rip at the perforation?
A non-serrated knife cuts cleaner, especially a chef’s knife. Start at one end of the knife and slide through the towels in one swipe if possible. Leaves a much cleaner cut than serrated knife.
I also love the wipes,but I am very lucky my hubby works for a company that makes wipes and I get them free(lucky me).Yet I will be putting this in my homemakers binder for the future when he retires.
Really enjoy reading the posts from people asking you questions Cassie and I admire what you and your husband do. Thanks so much. I have not purchased the essential oils maybe one day I will be able to do so, but are the oils absolutely necessary for the cleaning? I noticed a picture of a mop with a rag i’m very interested in that one.
For the cleaning wipes is lavender oil an absolute. Lavender gives me migraines. Actually any strong flowery oil, candle does. Will the other oils alone work.
This is just absolutely BRILLIANT. Thank you!