GREAT NEWS!! The 30% subscribe and save option is still going on the diapers on Amazon!
Several weeks ago we read somewhere (in two places in fact!) on Amazon that the 30% subscribe and save was ending on 8/31. It is usually a 15% subscribe and save option and the extra 15% (30%) was for a limited time, in which we thought that it was 8/31. But for whatever reason, we are not complaining a bit and are excited to see it still going!
So if you are in need of diapers, now is the time still 🙂 If you can round up more coupon codes from current magazines. Then you will score even better deals and get diapers for pennies!
We will send you to the original post for the details to see how to make this work.
Please note – check the Amazon 20% off codes from the magazines for expiration dates. The August magazine issues coupons did expire on the 31st of August. In addition, the Amazon coupons may have reset. Today when we checked, there was only a $1.00 off coupon for Pampers. So check your account to see what coupons are avalilable for you now that it is the start of a new month!
Enjoy the amazing Amazon diaper deal while we can. In the meantime, we are going to see if we can figure out when this is ending as it would sure be nice to know exactly how long we have to maximize on this deal! If you find out – let us know!
Can you do this multiple times? I did it once and then cancelled my subscription… don’t want to do something wrong if you can only do once?