It’s a start of a new week for many grocery stores. There are new Grocery Smarts lists with the grocery store ads with coupon match-ups for the best prices! Go HERE to find your favorite store and the sale with coupons for Utah!
We will post on extra deals that we find later too!
If you are looking for a passport to the Grocery Smarts website for the different states, here they are for the states that Grocery Smarts is in: Just go to and enter the passport from the state you want to shop in!
Utah: g84rcm
Nevada: g89cjm
E. Washington: g99kkt
So. California: g92ro1
Idaho: g83ro1
Arizona: g85ro1
For information on how to grocery shop to get the lowest prices, go HERE!
Also, as the newspaper is needed to get 70% of coupon savings (in addition to many Utah stores no longer accepting printables), we can also get you the lowest price on the newspaper for Utah as there is an incredible rock bottom sale on them right now! (and Nevada as low as .57!). Please email us at thriftyus @ the thrifty (remove spaces) with your Utah or Nevada inquiry.
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