If you’ve been following us the last few months, we have detailed that we were nearing the end of paying down our debt. Well, as of today, we can now scream “WE’RE DEBT FREE!!!” (of course, minus our mortgage which we will attack soon!!) There’s no more car payments, no more credit cards, student loans or any other type of stupid debt!!! We will be sharing our journey with you over the next few month of how we couponed, saved, earned more, and worked towards debt freedom!! As Proverbs 22:7 states, “the borrower is servant to the lender”. We are so thankful that we have been able to kiss that bondage goodbye!!
Please stick with us as we share how we went from DEEP in debt (you’ll find out just how DEEP The Thrifty Couple was!) to FREE of debt!! And we must say, we are ever thankful to our Sovereign Lord and Creator for we give Him the glory and we know all good things come from His hand.
That’s AWESOME!! Grats!!
Yay!! That is so exciting! My husband and I are working on paying off all our debt, and can’t wait till we can scream “WE’RE DEBT FREE!” Congratulations! God IS good!
CONGRATULATIONS!! That’s fantastic!! Can’t wait to see the details! We’re working on it too.
Oh wow, that is AWESOME!!! I bet it feels SO good to say that! I too, cannot wait to join you in the “debt free” ranks. Congratulations!!!
Hooray! Don’t you just love that feeling!
We are tackling our house too. Congrats!!!
Tracy H
Congrats!!!! I cannot wait to join you. Please be sure to provide your details.
Awesome! Congrats! I am now following you too!
Congratulations! We became debt free other than the mortgage in January when we refinanced our home. After refinancing, we ended up with a first and second mortgage. (Long story) Anyway, now we are paying off the 2nd mortgage, so I still don’t feel debt free . . . yet. We are trying to pay it off this year, but that is a HUGE goal. Not sure there is enough couponing to find room in our budget for that one. Can’t wait to read more about your story to Financial Freedom!
Congratulations on becoming debt free! I’am working on my 2 CC to get them paid off. One will be paid off in 4 months and the other will be paid off in 7 months. When I get finish paying off the last CC those payments will go towards my retirement fund. No more CC for me, I will use COUPONS instead!
CONGRATULATIONS…That is super awesome.
We are DEEP in debt as well. Busines Startup Investments…plus morgage… we are chipping away at it. It is an incredible relief to have that huge weight off your shoulders
We love to play cards with my son. Uno, go fish, etc. and he cant hold all his cards in his hand. So my husband made him a card ehodlr. He took a scrap piece of wood (2X4) and put 3 slits all the way across. This way he can put all his cards in the slits. We thought this would make a great Christmas present for our niece and nephews with a deck of cards. You could even decorate the wood and make it more personable.